Quad Bike Safari
Heading to the Outdoor Activity Centre
We will leave our lodge and head to the Outdoor Activity Centre. It might take a few minutes to get there, and we can enjoy the walk together.
Checking in
When we arrive, we will let the staff know that we are here for the Quad Bike Explorers activity. The staff will help us get ready.
Storing our belongings
We can put any extra belongings we don’t need, like bags or jackets, into the lockers. This will keep them safe while we are riding.
Putting on saftey gear
For safety, we will put on overalls, gloves, and a helmet. This equipment will protect us and help us feel ready to ride the quad bikes.
Listening to the instructions
The instructors will gather us together and explain how to use the quad bikes. They will tell us important safety information. It’s important to listen carefully so we know how to stay safe.
Getting our quad bikes
After the safety talk, the instructors will show us to our quad bikes. They will make sure we are comfortable and answer any questions we have.
Learning the course
The instructors will show us the course we’ll be driving on. We can take our time to understand the course and ask questions if we’re unsure about anything.
Following the instructor
When it’s time to ride, we will follow the instructor on the track, staying in single file. This keeps everyone safe and makes it easy to follow along.
Enjoying the ride
It might be a little noisy while we ride, but it will be fun! We can enjoy the excitement of driving the quad bike and following the course.
Returning to the outdoor activity centre
When we’re done, we will return to the starting area, drop off our overalls and helmet, and collect our belongings from the lockers.